Tag, Monat, Jahr, Ort, und Haus Nr. (Day 8, Month April, Year 1896,
Place Bezirkes or County/District of Sereth, House No. 340
Recorded: April 15, 1896
Name of Children: David
Geschleicht (männlich, weiblich): Gender (male "/" yes
selected, female or ÷, not selected)
ŭneheliche (parents unmarried: child is illegitimate)
The Fathers: Yosel Wolf Zimmer; The Mothers: Fante Leah
The Beschneider (mohel or circumscision official): Pinkas Wolf
(m. p. or presently living in) Sereth
Anmerkung (notes): Testification or certification that the
father is Josef Wolf Zimmer,
zŭegen (as witnessed by):
Seide (Zayde or grandfather?) Kamplemacher
Urkund dessen die amtliche Fertigung (Department of Production
or Fabrication of Certificates) [for the following:]
Israelitische Matrikenführung zu Sereth
(Directory of all Israelite or Jewish Certificates in Sereth), copy 1911
Children of non-Christian marriages are not considered 'legitimate'
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